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with Cupper's Coffee & Tea


Grab a bag of our delicious Hopak Brew from Cupper's Coffee & Tea and 25% of the proceeds will go directly to Troyanda! You'd be supporting TWO local organizations at the same time.


Order yours today online or in store at Cupper's!

March 27

Spring Fundraiser - Perogy & Sausage Orders Due

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30th Anniversary Show​

April 12th. 2025

Yates Memorial Theatre


Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Club is pleased to announce, “Celebrate 30!”  A special 30th Anniversary show. A colourful and lively showcase of favourite dances over the years from various regions of Ukraine will be presented for all of Lethbridge to enjoy.

The show will be held at the Yates Memorial Theatre Saturday April 12 at 7:00pm.

Tickets can be purchased in person at the Yates Memorial Ticket office, or at the Arena.

By phone (403) 329-7328 or online


Come and celebrate all that Troyanda has been offering to Southern Alberta for the past 30 years. Troyanda feels that their mandate of promoting and preserving the art of Ukrainian Dance in Southern Alberta is now more important than ever, and they thank the community for all of their support. Troyanda is honoured to welcome Ukrainians new to Southern Alberta into their dance family and is grateful for the community support of their Troyanda Ukrainian Newcomer Fund. 


TROYANDA UKRAINIAN DANCE CLUB - Is a not-for-profit organization with members that volunteer their time preserving and promoting the artful heritage of Ukrainian dance in Southern Alberta. Established in 1994, the Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Club have over 50 members ranging in age 3 to timeless with a shared passion for Ukrainian dance and culture. There is no limit for those wanting to begin, continue, or renew a love of Ukrainian dance. For more information, please email or visit their website at​



Fresh Coffee Beans

April 4

Year End Show - 30th Anniversary Celebration - Yates Memorial Theatre

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Spring Fundraiser

Prairie Gourmet Perogies & Sausage

Orders Due - March 27th, 2025


Back by popular demand we have started another fundraiser with Prairie Gourmet just in time for Easter!


April 3rd, 2025 - ORDER PICK UP DAY - early evening time - TBA

(back parking lot of the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association

421 6 Ave S, Lethbridge AB)


​A portion of the proceeds will be going to our Troyanda Ukrainian Newcomer Fund, which provides financial assistance to Ukrainians new to Southern Alberta wanting to be part of the Troyanda Family.


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April 12

Galt Museum - Ukrainian & Metis Floral Scarf Event

April 29

Annual Cultural Curriculum Show - Yates Memorial Theatre

June 7-8

Calgary Ukrainian Festival

15th Anniversary




Adult - $22.50

Youth (12 & Under) - $12.00


For Online Ticket Sales & Show Information​:​

Galt Museum & Archives

April 4th, 2025 - 1:00pm

The Floral Scarf: Ukrainian and Metis Connections


Join us for Stories about the Floral Scarf told from the Ukrainian community (Troyanda) and the Metis. Followed by a brand new tour of the Lena and Thomas Gushul Exhibit from Bobbie in Archives and we will end our time together enjoying Ukranian Borscht and Metis Bannock together.

 1–3 PM | adults and seniors | registration encourages | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration | Maximum 35 people

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